How Old Do You Have To Be To Buy Superglue
A nineteen twelvemonth old non allowed to buy superglue
I was astonished today to be told I wasn't immune to buy superglue until I was 21 because 'i might starting time sniffing information technology'
So, I can legally drink myself to death but tin't purchase glue?
What logic?
You can buy glue, it is only a criminal offence to sell solvents to a child or young person if the seller knows the product will be abused.
You must look like a mucilage sniffer.
Yous can buy mucilage at 18.. the shop was clearly using their own discretion and simply didn't desire to sell you.. possibly if they suspected you of abusing it.. Either that or the person serving was mis-informed and thought that the purchaser had to be 21.
Either that or you mis-understood. Did you lot have ID?
evo stik is what you want for a good session on the glue - make sure they requite y'all a carrier bag with it.
I am reading a great book at the mo
It is chosen "The History of Superglue"
I but cannot put it down
Not for the sticky fingered ones so!
This was even worse last year I went to the library to borrow a volume about suicide but the lady would not permit me have it she said I would non bring it back.
It came upwards on the till, I had ID to say I was 19 merely not 21.
And so it is shop policy and you should go and buy information technology somewhere else.
Forum Member
It'due south bloody retarded, regardless of it being store policy or not. Don't these jobsworths realise that the kids who actually do sniff glue don't go effectually buying single tubes of superglue?
Not the coop by any take chances?
Yeah, they mail service guild crates full of the stuff using their parents' credit cards.
Forum Member
Glue & feathers don't mix.
You should accept told them y'all needed the glue to fix the glass topped tabular array you snort cocaine off
It was to fix my phone which a little console thing had fallen off, that was conspicuously in my paw for her to run across.
Stupid adult female.
Purchase your superglue with an Airfix model. They'll presume you're far too boring to be a mucilage sniffer.
Never heard of that volume. Bet information technology's interesting reading
you lot cant sniff superglue, but it'due south groovy for glueing optics open up.... listen you, so'due south a stapler
If it was confronting the shop policy to sell gum to under 21s (regardless of the legal historic period to buy such products), so she was just doing her job. Information technology's the shop who are stupid for implementing such a ludicrous policy, non the woman serving y'all.
So you lot can legally have sex and reproduce, drinkable yourself into a daze, get married, drive a car, yet they don't trust you with superglue.
It'due south PC gawn maaaaaad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!