
Hire A Social Media Consultant

Social media marketing is a big buzz word among business owners these days –and rightfully so. Marketing is about clearly communicating a message to potential customers and social media is a fantastic platform to do just that.

Social media is a newer means of communication and it's in constant flux. Just last month, Facebook (who also owns Instagram) just made another huge change to their algorithm and reporting. So, how's a business owner supposed to keep up? Bringing a full-time marketing manager on board would be effective, but costly. Thankfully, you can always hire a consultant!

Ready to grow your business? Here are 9 reasons to hire a social media marketing consultant:

1. Knowledge of Trends

Whether it's new features being released or the big algorithm change I was just talking about (BTW, you can get the scoop on that on Facebook), knowledge of trends and changes is a HUGE benefit to working with a consultant. Unless you're a big marketing nerd like me, you likely don't want to spend your free time reading industry blogs, watching webinars, or listening to podcast about social media marketing.

2. Shared Contacts and Resources

Just like a baker would nerd out over a new mixer or a farmer with a stockpile of fresh berries, a social media marketer has their goody basket of tools, apps, contacts, and more. It's a pretty cool feeling to turn a client onto a free tool that saves them hours. Or introduce a solopreneur to a Facebook group full of supportive small biz owners.

3. Expertise

Social media consultants who also have a good grasp of marketing are like gold! When you find one, you'll be tempted to keep them as your secret weapon. A social media marketer will have intimate knowledge of how social media plays a role in a much more diverse marketing plan. I often find myself advising on websites, email newsletters, PR, and SEO in the course of a consultation –because it all works TOGETHER.

4. Identify Problems

What do you when your posts stop reaching people or when your boosted posts get disapproved? A social media marketer has the know-how to identify potential problems and come up with a clear plan of action on how to solve them.

5. Bring New Life

If your social media gets stagnant, your community can get bored. Fewer likes, comments, and shares mean the algorithms don't show your posts to as many people. Bringing in a consultant can give your marketing efforts a reinvigorating burst of energy. I've heard time and time again how my excitement for marketing is contagious. Find a consultant who loves what they do, and you may actually enjoy social media again!

6. Objective View

Ever disagree with a partner or team member? It happens. We all have different opinions and see things differently. A consultant offers a much-needed objective view of your marketing. My motto is to always, "anchor on results" which means we'll let the facts and figure tell us if we're successful. With clearly defined goals and tracking parameters in place, you'll find it easy to move forward.

7. Teach

This one's my favorite! A talented consultant is not only skilled at their trade, they also possess the ability to teach others. As a continuing education instructor at UHMC, I'm constantly perfecting my teaching skills. By marrying a love a tech and a desire to identify simple systems, I've helped hundreds of business owners learn how to tackle their marketing one post at a time.

8. On the Job Experience

When choosing the RIGHT consultant, it's important to look for someone with on the job experience. Think about it. A consultant who's getting their hands dirty has a history of running campaigns, contests, and more. This makes them better able to think quickly and creatively when it comes to your marketing plan. Trust me. As a social media manager for national brands, I always have a few backup plans in case a campaign isn't performing.

9. Assist with Day to Day tasks

Although it's the least sparkly on this list, this benefit is a big one. You know that to-do list that's looming over you? Or how about those posts you've been procrastinating making? Imagine knocking out an entire month of marketing tasks in just 2 hours. It's possible. Whether we're scheduling a month of posts, drafting your email campaigns for the quarter, or creating the strategic plan to get you where you need to be, these lightning sessions are priceless!

So… what are you waiting for?

Book a consultation with social media marketing expert Danielle Miller!


Hire A Social Media Consultant


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